Unlock efficiency with automations in monday.com
November 06, 2023 11:35 Europe/London

Automations in monday.com are like helpful ghosts in your workflow. Just as ghosts can perform mysterious and beneficial actions behind the scenes, automations work tirelessly in the background to streamline your processes and make your work easier. They silently carry out repetitive tasks, ensuring that deadlines are met, notifications are sent, and data is organised, all without requiring constant human intervention. Like benevolent apparitions, automations are there when you need them, lending a hand without making their presence known, ultimately freeing you to focus on more creative and strategic aspects of your work. Join the webinar to learn everything you need to know about how to get started with automations in monday.com

Lee Watkins
Lee Watkins is your monday.com expert, simplifying complex workflows for unparalleled efficiency. With an English BA and a Terrorism MA from King's College London, her writing has been featured in The Wall Street Journal and showcases her ability to convey complex ideas in simple terms.
Lee began her IT career as a Helpdesk Assistant at the United Nations, supporting senior politicians and diplomats. Her dedication to IT and security then led her to the UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA), playing a pivotal role in COVID-19 public inquiry preparations.